Jen’s Hypnotherapy Blog

Why Did I Leave Marine Biology?
Jennifer Austin-Evans Jennifer Austin-Evans

Why Did I Leave Marine Biology?

When people hear I previously monitored whales and dolphins, they all have the same question. ‘Why did you leave?’ It actually took me years to be okay with the fact that I changed careers. I left home at age 16 and moved 300 miles away to study marine biology at college. Then undergrad, then postgrad. I felt I had put too much time, effort and money into it, to then change my mind. It felt like a failure. I was embarrassed. Upon reflection, there were multiple reasons for the change. It’s never too late to change careers. No matter how much time you’ve put into it in the past, if it’s not fulfilling for you, why put more time into it?

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Turning 30: The Pressures of Society
Jennifer Austin-Evans Jennifer Austin-Evans

Turning 30: The Pressures of Society

The big three-oh. The number at which society reminds us that time is ticking. We look around and compare ourselves to everyone else, to check if we are ‘on track’. I argue that this third decade of life brings with it a new level of self-awareness and understanding.

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Embrace your Skin: Living and Thriving with Eczema
Jennifer Austin-Evans Jennifer Austin-Evans

Embrace your Skin: Living and Thriving with Eczema

The journey of accepting your skin can be a lonely path and an emotional rollercoaster. Particularly when living with a condition like eczema. Eczema causes physical pain and discomfort but also impacts self-esteem and social interactions. People can lose confidence, self-isolate and even lose their sense of identity. They grieve for good skin days, their past life/self and things they can no longer do, such as exercise. It is possible to live a fulfilling, enjoyable life while managing eczema. This blog will guide you through accepting your eczema. You can learn to embrace your condition as a unique aspect of who you are.

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LGBTQIA+ History Month
Jennifer Austin-Evans Jennifer Austin-Evans

LGBTQIA+ History Month

February is LGBTQIA+ history month. Why does this matter? Last year I heard someone ask why pride matters. It might seem like there’s nothing left to advocate for. That queer folks have all the rights they need. Well, I’m not straight. This means that in 64 countries, I break the law simply by existing. In 11 of those countries, I would face the death penalty. In 11 countries, myself and many of my closest friends, would be killed for simply being who we are. So yes, LGBTQIA+ history matters, as does pride.

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The Mind-Body Connection - How Stress Impacts Your Skin
Jennifer Austin-Evans Jennifer Austin-Evans

The Mind-Body Connection - How Stress Impacts Your Skin

As an eczema and TSW warrior, I’m all too aware of the many, many remedies available for skin conditions. How much money we all spend trying to find that one miracle product. When the reality is that skincare often only focuses on external treatments and regimens. Of course, these play an important part and finding the right product can bring much needed relief. However, the profound connection between our mental health and our skin, means that we need to address not just the skin, but our minds too.

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