Hypnotherapy for Skin Conditions

For years I suffered with chronic eczema and topical steroid withdrawal (TSW). On top of various skin infections and finding allergies. I still have eczema flares, but it doesn’t control my life like it once did.

Two photos of hypnotherapist Jen, close up of face, half is red with eczema and half is clear skin

Eczema and skin conditions can be completely debilitating.

It impacts what you wear, what you eat, who you see, how you sleep. It can decrease your self-esteem and self-worth, your relationships and intimacy. It’s stressful, overwhelming, painful and can seem never-ending. I get it!

I had tried all the steroid creams and tablets, phototherapy, wet wraps, no dairy, salt and oat baths, you name it. These address the symptoms, not the cause.

It wasn’t until therapy that I prioritised my mental health. Then I saw consistent improvement in my skin long-term. I actually discovered hypnotherapy due to my skin. I developed a specific phobia and panic around showering.

Tried all the diets and all the products? It’s time to work with someone who understands the itchy life and address your mental health.

Jen applying moisturiser cream on her face

How can hypnotherapy help eczema,

TSW and other skin conditions?

Hypnotherapy cannot cure a skin condition, but it can:

  • Reduce the itch

  • Break habits (scratching & skin picking)

  • Reduce stress, anxiety & inflammation

  • Improve sleep & resilience

  • Improve confidence & self-esteem

  • Help you live your life despite the flares

Hypnotherapist Jen sitting cross legged with her lap full of skin products, wearing a 'self love' jumper.

Research shows stress and anxiety are one of the main causes of skin conditions. They can cause flare-ups and worsen pre-existing flares/conditions.

Then we get stuck in a vicious cycle, where our skin condition makes us more stressed. This decreases sleep and can cause isolation, which makes it worse. Before we know it, our skin condition is dictating our actions and taking over.

Stress drives hormones and causes inflammation. It weakens the immune system and the skin barrier. As hypnotherapy addresses stress, it can help skin conditions. This can result in flares having less impact on your life, and occurring less often.

Check out my blogs:

'How can therapy help a skin condition' for more information

‘Practical eczema and TSW tips’ for recommendations and resources

Client photos 1 hour apart

I also recommend you join the itchy community, to talk to others who understand.

A great place to start is ‘Itch N Bitch’ by Katie, who is on a mission to normalise normal skin and raise awareness for eczema and other skin conditions. She has a brilliant Instagram, a blog, a podcast, and organises meet-ups to bring people together. Check out her website here.

A 1995 study of 38 participants demonstrated hypnotherapy as an effective treatment for eczema. 37 of the clients reported immediate improvement in symptoms, e.g. itching and sleeping. For most participants relief lasted until the follow-up study, 2 years later.

A 2020 trial of 27 people with eczema received an average of 6 hypnotherapy sessions. Before sessions people had an average eczema area and severity index score of 12 (moderate). After 6 sessions clients had an average score of 2.8 (mild).

The last 5 sessions I’ve had with Jennifer have really helped me to shift into a positive mindset which has not only helped my overall mental health but played a big impact on my approach to my eczema and how I deal with that.”